Coronavirus and Our Service
With the government announcing several measures that affect all of us during this pandemic, we felt it important to reassure our clients that our commitment to you is unchanged.
For our regular reviews, we will still issue invitations to you. If visiting us or visiting you is not advisable, we will be pleased to arrange telephone reviews and handle any paperwork by post.
For general enquiries or specific questions we remain 100% approachable by telephone, email, text etc and as always will get back to you promptly if we are not immediately available.
If any of us here have to self isolate, our technology allows us to duplicate our office environment at home, and to take & make calls from our mobile phones. All calls to the office will be acted upon – a message will always reach us even if we are not physically available at the time.
These are uncharted waters for everyone at present, but we hope that our approach reassures you that we are still here for you and that will never change!